Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Inspiration The Final Frontier

Creating a goal is the easy part, finding the inspiration to reach your goals is the challenge.

Those of you lucky enough to see and hear Gary Keller’s talk about his new book “The Shift” will understand the dose of inspiration that was delivered at the event. I like many others found him to be fun lov’in and intelligent, full of great stories that illustrated the need for a plan, an inspired plan.

The problem is today is a new day with new problems and new distractions and in the afterglow of such an inspired day I am left with my old life. The uninspired me may have resigned myself to the standards of my past, but today I know that I don’t have to face this issue alone. That I can turn to the people around me, the community I work in, and look to them for inspiration, to find inspiration through both my contribution to them as well as theirs to me. Don’t get me wrong Gary is a great man, but it is all of you who bring me the greatest inspiration by allowing me into your lives and business on a daily basis.

My “BIG WHY” is that I love to contribute to the successes of others; it is not as selfless as it sounds though. I use my community to fuel me up with inspiration and to keep me moving forward towards my goals. It is my “BIG WHY” the drives me and inspires me to reach my goals, it is what fulfills me but is not my goal. The monetary gain the beautiful trip or the new car for example are the goals, but they offer no or momentary fulfillment. You all need to be in touch with our “BIG WHY” it is your inspiration. Keep it in front of you at all time, have it be the carrot to which you strive. Also use the community around you to find inspiration. Tap into the people around you; go beneath the surface to find the opportunity, the opportunity to share inspiration.

Friday, September 5, 2008

Train Your Brain

This week I would like to reintroduce you to your brain. Like most other organs in your body the way you treat it will reflect its’ performance. As I get older I realize the importance of staying on top of a daily exercise plan for my brain as well as my body. In addition to meditation lite, painting, and great multivitamins there are some interesting websites that I visit to challenge several different brain skills. Let me know how you like or don’t. You will get better with practice. Joey
Traveler IQ Challenge
Skill Exercise


1. Brain Metrix A website dedicated to brain training with a collection of brain training games and exercises

2. Sharp Brains Lots of brain fitness resources, including exercises.

3. Braingle Braingle claims to have the largest collection of brain teasers, riddles, logic problems, quizzes and mind puzzles on the internet with over 12,000 items which have been ranked by the site's users.

4. Brainwaves Brain training exercises designed to build mental stamina and ability to organize new data.

5. Brain Arena Train your brain by competing online against thousands of other people. Site requires free registration.

6. Queendom Games and exercises to get your mind into shape.

7. Games for the brain Quiz, memory and brain games to train your thinking.

8. Miniclip brain training Flash based word games and other puzzlers.

9. Brain Gym® Exercises Some simple physical exercises which boost the brain, based on the work of Paul E. Dennison, PhD.

10. Matica Brain Gym Flash based Brain Gym.


I came across a book titled the “Four Agreements” by don Miguel Ruiz. In it he describes all of the agreements we have in life and how they determine what we tell ourselves who we are, how to behave, what is possible, and what is impossible.

Everything we do is based on agreements we have made - agreements with ourselves, with other people, with higher source and with life. But the most important agreements are the ones we make with ourselves. One single agreement is not such a problem, but through the course of life we have created many agreements that come from fear, deplete our energy, and diminish our self-worth."

When we are ready to change out of our old agreements, there are four deceptively simple, yet powerful agreements that we can adopt as guiding principles. Don’t be fooled by there simplicity.

1. Be Impeccable With Your WordSpeak with integrity. Say only what you mean. Avoid using the word to speak against yourself or to gossip about others. Use the power of your word in the direction of truth and love.

2. Don't Take Anything PersonallyNothing others do is because of you. What others say and do is a projection of their own reality, their own dream. When you are immune to the opinions and actions of others, you won't be the victim of needless suffering.

3. Don't Make AssumptionsFind the courage to ask questions and to express what you really want. Communicate with others as clearly as you can to avoid misunderstandings, sadness and drama. With just this one agreement, you can completely transform your life.

4. Always Do Your BestYour best is going to change from moment to moment; it will be different when you are healthy as opposed to sick. Under any circumstance, simply do your best, and you will avoid self-judgment, self-abuse and regret.

Non-Negotiable Habits

I often ask myself why it is that I seem to have so much trouble sticking with my commitment to changing certain behaviors and habits; doing what I need to do to create the results I want for my life. Even though I desperately want to change something about my existence, it seems that invariably there comes a time when I simply stop whatever it was that I started.
Why we do that is a very relevant question for most people because the vast majority of us have a history of starting and stopping certain behaviors. In reality, most of us know what we need to do. And for a while, we do it. Then we stop. Masters of incompletion. We have enough reasons to do it, we have the time to do it (despite what we tell others) and we certainly have the potential to create amazing results.

Why do you take a shower each and every day? (Please tell me you shower every day!) It is programmed into our hard drive and is not an optional behavior. As a result, we have no motivational issues when it comes to personal hygiene (I hope) Cleanliness is one of our Non-Negotiable Habits. Same goes for parents changing diapers or rescuing a loved one from a burning building; there is no other option in your mind.

Something a little different happens when it comes to exercise or business goals, even though we know exactly what to do, and why we should do it? We haven’t made the relevant mind and body-changing habits non-negotiables in our life. On some level we still consider work goals and exercise to be optional.

Too many of us are out of shape (physically, emotionally, financially, professionally) because we haven’t made certain behaviors and habits non-negotiables in our life. You know the ones I mean. Somewhere in that lump on top of your shoulders you still consider some things to be optional, that’s why you continue to go around in circles in certain areas of your life.
You may not even be aware of your ‘optional mindset’ but if you have a history of almost getting things done, then I’m talking to you. Do you like ending up in the same place all the time? Didn’t think so. Until you and I make those occasional behaviors, Non-Negotiable Habits we won’t see forever results and we won’t see genuine change.

You know what to do.